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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - gut


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 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~tas, plural; probably akin to Old English geotan to pour  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) bowels, entrailsusually used in plural  (2) the basic visceral or emotional part of a person  b. alimentary canal; also part of the alimentary canal and especially the intestine or stomach  c. belly, abdomen  d. cat~  2. plural the inner essential parts the ~s of a car  3. a narrow passage; also a narrow waterway or small creek  4. the sac of silk taken from a silkworm ready to spin its cocoon and drawn out into a thread for use as a snell  5. plural fortitude and stamina in coping with what alarms, repels, or discourages ; courage, pluck  6. ~ course  II. transitive verb  (~ted; ~ting)  Date: 14th century  1.  a. eviscerate  b. to extract all the essential passages or portions from  2.  a. to destroy the inside of fire ~ted the building  b. to destroy the essential power or effectiveness of inflation ~ting the economy  III. adjective  Date: 1964  1. arising from one's inmost self ; visceral a ~ reaction  2. having strong impact or immediate relevance ~ issues GUT  abbreviation grand unified theory; grand unification theory
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  n. & v. --n. 1 the lower alimentary canal or a part of this; the intestine. 2 (in pl.) the bowel or entrails, esp. of animals. 3 (in pl.) colloq. personal courage and determination; vigorous application and perseverance. 4 (in pl.) colloq. the belly as the source of appetite. 5 (in pl.) a the contents of anything, esp. representing substantiality. b the essence of a thing, e.g. of an issue or problem. 6 a material for violin or racket strings or surgical use made from the intestines of animals. b material for fishing-lines made from the silk-glands of silkworms. 7 a a narrow water-passage; a sound, straits. b a defile or narrow passage. 8 (attrib.) a instinctive (a gut reaction). b fundamental (a gut issue). --v.tr. (gutted, gutting) 1 remove or destroy (esp. by fire) the internal fittings of (a house etc.). 2 take out the guts of (a fish). 3 extract the essence of (a book etc.). Phrases and idioms gut-rot colloq. 1 = rot-gut. 2 a stomach upset. hate a person's guts colloq. dislike a person intensely. sweat (or work) one's guts out colloq. work extremely hard. Etymology: OE guttas (pl.), prob. rel. to geotan pour ...
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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. анат. кишка; пищеварительный канал blind gut —- слепая кишка 2. тупик, безвыходное положение large guts —- толстые кишки little guts —- тонкие кишки 3. сл. кишки, внутренности a pain in the guts —- боль в животе 4. брюхо, пузо to run smb. through the gut —- выпустить кишки кому-л. 5. струна или леса 6. мед. кетгут 7. разг. содержание; существенная часть I can take the guts out of a book in half an hour —- мне достаточно получаса, чтобы понять суть книги the speech has no guts in it —- его речь неубедительна he has no guts in him —- он ничего не стоит, он никчемный человек 8. разг. мужество; выдержка; сила воли, характер a man with plenty of guts —- человек с сильной волей to have the guts to do smth. —- иметь мужество сделать что-л. put some guts into it —- действуй смелее, будь мужчиной the employers' confederation had no guts —- у конфедерации предпринимателей не хватило пороху he has left half his guts behind him —- он упал духом 9. узкий проход или пролив; канал the G. of Gibraltar —- Гибралтарский пролив 10. ущелье 11. изгиб реки Id: gut burglar —- ам. воен. жарг. повар Id: full of guts —- горячий (о лошади); энергичный, жизнерадостный; в приподнятом настроении; ам. любящий подурачиться, дурашливый; ам. преувеличивающий, завиральный Id: not fit to carry guts to a bear —- никудышный человек, полное ничтожество Id: to hate smb.'s...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  (guts, gutting, gutted) 1. A person’s or animal’s guts are all the organs inside them. By the time they finish, the crewmen are standing ankle-deep in fish guts. N-PLURAL 2. When someone guts a dead animal or fish, they prepare it for cooking by removing all the organs from inside it. It is not always necessary to gut the fish prior to freezing. VERB: V n 3. The gut is the tube inside the body of a person or animal through which food passes while it is being digested. N-SING: the/poss N 4. Guts is the will and courage to do something which is difficult or unpleasant, or which might have unpleasant results. (INFORMAL) The new Chancellor has the guts to push through unpopular tax increases... N-UNCOUNT 5. A gut feeling is based on instinct or emotion rather than reason. Let’s have your gut reaction to the facts as we know them. N-SING: usu N n 6. You can refer to someone’s stomach as their gut, especially when it is very large and sticks out. (INFORMAL) His gut sagged out over his belt. N-COUNT: usu sing see also beer gut 7. To gut a building means to destroy the inside of it so that only its outside walls remain. Over the weekend, a firebomb gutted a building where 60 people lived... A factory stands gutted and deserted. VERB: V n, V-ed 8. Gut is string made from part of the stomach of an animal. Traditionally, it is used to make the strings of sports rackets or musical instruments such as violins. N-UNCOUNT 9. see also gutted 10. If you hate someone’s guts, you dislike them very much indeed. (INFORMAL) We hate each other’s guts. PHRASE: V inflects c darkgreen]emphasis 11. If you say that you are working your guts out or slogging your guts out, you are emphasizing that you are working as hard as you can. (INFORMAL) Most have worked their guts out and made sacrifices. PHRASE: V inflects c darkgreen]emphasis ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »COURAGE« guts informal the courage and determination you need to do something difficult or unpleasant  (Sonia succeeded through sheer guts and determination. | have the guts to do sth)  (No-one had the guts to tell Paul what a mistake he was making.) 2 »BODY PARTS« a) guts the organs inside your body b) the tube through which food passes from your stomach 3 gut reaction/feeling/instinct etc informal a reaction or feeling that you are sure is right, although you cannot give a reason for it  (He had a gut feeling that Sarah was lying.) 4 hate sb's guts informal to hate someone very much 5 sweat/slog your guts out informal to work very hard 6 at gut level if you know something at gut level, you feel sure about it, though you could not give a reason  (She knew at gut level that he was guilty.) 7 »STRING« a type of strong string made from the intestine of an animal  (- see also catgut) 8 I'll have sb's guts for garters BrE informal used to say that you would like to punish someone severely for something they have done  (- see also beer belly, bust a gut bust1 (3), spill your guts spill1 (4)) ~2 v gutted, gutting 1 usually passive to completely destroy the inside of a building, especially by fire  (The kitchen was completely gutted.) 2 to remove the organs from inside a fish or animal in order to prepare it for cooking 3 to change something by removing some of the most important or central parts  (gutting the system from the inside so as to restructure it completely)  (- see also gutted) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  funny abbr. Grown Up Toys NYSE symbols Gabelli Utilities Trust ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. guttas (pl.) "bowels, entrails," related to geotan "to pour," from PIE *gh(e)u- "pour." Meaning "easy college course" is student slang from 1916, probably from obsolete slang sense of "feast" (the connecting notion is "something that one can eat up"). Sense of "inside contents of anything" (usually pl.) is from 1580. Figurative pl. guts "spirit, courage," first recorded 1893; hence gutless "cowardly" (1915). Gut reaction is 1963, probably a back-formation from gutsy (1936) "tough, plucky." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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